We wanna thank YOU!

Thank you for a great winter, thank you for your numerous visits and also thank you to our employees for their commitment!

The summer operation of the DreiSeenBahn starts on
Saturday, June 22, 24! And on the first day with one
Top event – the XLETIX Challenge Tirol!


Snow-shoe hiking

The new hit among the trendy winter sports. Snow-shoe hiking can be learned instantly and with no risk. And it opens up new perspectives. In the Kühtai, climbing up and down with this light-weight sport equipment on your feet becomes a sports-meditative experience. Even without skiing or mountain sport experience, you can get to know the wintery mountain landscape in all its beauty here among untouched nature. Try this winter walking for yourself – but be careful: you might become addicted!

Please inform yourself necessarily before your hike at our ski schools about the actual Snow and avalanche situation