Together with the FIS PARA World Cup coordinator and the Kühtai cable car company, the TI Snow team has selected an ideal slope for the Banked Cross Slalom at the Alpenrosenlift, which perfectly meets the requirements of this World Cup competition.
Para snowboarding is a very young, up-and-coming sport and was represented for the first time at the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. Only athletes with lower and upper limb impairments compete against each other in a race against the clock. Athletes with leg amputations use a prosthesis to practise their sport. One particular challenge for athletes with upper limb impairments is controlling their
control their balance is a particular challenge for athletes with upper limb impairments.
In the banked cross slalom, the athletes navigate a course with banked turns, hills and jumps. They have three attempts to qualify for the final. The fastest run is included in the ranking.
With World Cup stops all over the world (Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Canada), it is the first competition of its kind in Austria in this young, up-and-coming sport.
TI Snow – which has more than 25 years of experience in alpine, cross and freestyle competitions – will enter the world of Paralympic disciplines for the first time with the contest in Kühtai.