General information Kühtai
You can find the current opening times of the mountain railways for winter here and for summer here.
- Please understand that discounts for children, youths and senior citizens can only be given upon presentation of valid photo ID (date of birth). Invalids with a 60 %+ disability (please provide ID!) are entitled to discounts.
- All Küh-Cards are issued on contactless cards, a deposit of € 2.00 must be paid. You will get the deposit back when you return
the undamaged Küh-Card at ticket offices, the tourist office, restaurants, hotels or shops in Kühtai or at the lift ticket offices in Oetz/Ochsengarten.
- Ski passes bought will not be exchanged, changed or taken back and are not transferable.
- Multi-day passes are only valid on consecutive days.
- Cards will be withdrawn and not replaced in the event of misuse.
- Skiers ski at their own risk.
- In the event of a skiing accident the value of the remaining, unused days on a multi-day ticket will be refunded upon presentation of a doctor’s certificate.
- The right is reserved to close individual lifts during or at the end of the season due to snow conditions and to stop the ski bus service at the end of the season.
- Emergency rescue on the ski slopes comprises transportation of the rescued individual to the medical centre Kühtai. A fee of € 100.00 will be charged!
- Payment for ski tickets: in cash (Euro),bank card (MAESTRO) and credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, V Pay, UnionPay).

- No refund will be made in the event of poor weather, departure, illness or injury, in case of shutdown of individual facilities, road closure, loss of ski pass, natural disasters, or due to official orders (e.g. in case of danger of epidemic, pandemic) etc.
- Please note that ski touring is not permitted on any of the ski slopes. The use of the slopes is limited to the downhill skiing.
- The court of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is in Silz. Only Austrian law is applicable.
- Note on liability in all tariff associations: The individual services to which ticket holders are entitled are rendered by private contractors. The contractor who sells the tickets is only acting as the representative of the other contractors.
This company is responsible for the provision of individual services and for the payment of any compensation claims made as a result of any accident or injury.
On conclusion of the contract of transport the general business conditions apply. The right is reserved to changes to tariffs, operating times and bus times and to misprints and errors.